Join Us on Our Journey

Join us on our journey to Cambodia! Don't panic, we aren't asking you to literally join us as we embark on a journey to Cambodia (although we wouldn't reject any offers ;-) Rather, we hope you will join us by following this blog in the years to come as we seek to glorify God by traveling almost 10,000 miles around the world to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a Kingdom that is in desperate need of hope.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Moving Changes

by Alecia Williams (9/14/12)

Moving has always been an exciting time for me.  While most normal people would break into an uncontrollable sweat at the thought of moving, it actually energizes me.  As I embark on the exciting time of purging, cleaning and organizing, I sense a “restart” of life.  Some of the most exciting times of my life have been at the beginning of something new:  graduations, marriage, pregnancies, birth of a new child, moves, etc.  When change comes we can sit and dwell on the past or we can begin to be excited about the future, the new! 

One of the most exciting changes that ever occurred in my life was at my salvation.  Even at the age of 8 I understood that my life was no good on my own.  I understood that I was just like everyone else around me and that sin ran through me like a raging infection.  It sought to destroy my life.  God sought to restore it.  To bring newness!  On that day that I surrendered my life to God He began a continual change in my life.  Maybe that’s where my appreciation for change came.  I was no longer the same.  I was a “new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”  (2 Corinthians 5:17)  I love that this in no way implies that I arrived at my destination that day.  God did not take me from a wretched sinner right into paradise as a saint.  I continue to sin, I continue to have a need for change, and I continue to be grateful for a Savior who brought change to my life and brings change to so many other’s lives as well.

So as I say goodbye to God given friends this weekend and sit and remember the way we have spent our time here in MO, I am excited about the change.  It means God is moving us.  Moving us on to where He will use us next.  Moving us on to where He will be glorified in spite of our weaknesses.  Change is good. 

Where does God want to change you?  Are you willing to change?  Where does God want to move you?  Are you willing to go?  Where does God want to use you?  Are you willing to be used?  

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